Federal Bank, Aluva, Ernakulam invites Online application from eligible Graduates
passed during 2022 & 2023, hailing from Kerala State for undergoing one year
Apprenticeship training under the Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973.

Graduates in any domain 150
Rs.12,000/-per Month (all inclusive)
Period 1 year
All Over
I. Minimum Educational Qualifications:
Graduate Apprentices: – Graduates in any domain – First Class Graduation
(4- or 3-year duration) awarded by any recognized Indian University in the respective
field with not less than 60% marks. (Full Time Course only)
II. Please find below the eligibility criteria and other terms:
- The candidates should not have undergone Apprenticeship Training
elsewhere and also the candidates should not have completed 3 years after
passing of Graduation. - Candidate should not have prior job experience for a period of more than 1
year. - The Apprenticeship training shall be for a period of 12 months and the
selection will be done on the basis of the Personal interview being conducted
by the Bank. - The stipend to the apprentices is Rs.12000/- per Month (all inclusive) and
candidates shall not be eligible for any other amount in whatsoever manner
during the period.
Download Notification
Click Below Link
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For students who have not so far
enrolled in the National Web Portal
Step 1:
a. Go to www.mhrdnats.gov.in
b. Click Enroll
c. Complete the application form
d. A unique Enrolment Number for each
student will be generated.
Please note: Please wait for at least one
day for enrollment verification and
approval. After this student can proceed to
Step 2.
Step 2 :
a. Login
b. Click Establishment Request Menu
c. Click Find Establishment
d. Upload Resume
e. Choose Establishment name
g. Click apply
h. Click apply again